Project Evo Tuning (needed software)
So I began looking around online for software, and for my purpose I need two things right now:
1) Datalogging Software and,
2) ECU reflashing software
The good news is, there are free software out there that is readily available for downloading. There are also ones you can pay. Since I'm doing this for fun, I'm going to test out the free software first.
For Datalogging, I went with the Mitsulogger which can be downloaded from Malibu Jack who's the owner of the forum founded this software and provides regular updates to his software. Go to the download section and get it. The version I went for was V 1.5 Alpha.
For ECU reflashing, I went with ECUFlash that can be downloaded from I downloaded the latest version 13.4 .
Now onward to playing around with it and making it work.